Business Name : InsightEdge

Primary Address: Mpiskini 33, Zografou 157 71, Greece
Phone: +302374052600

Cookie Insights

Details on Cookie Types: Cookies are small text files stored on your device that websites use to make user interactions more efficient. Our website utilizes both session cookies, which are temporary and disappear after you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on your device until they expire or you delete them. We provide details on both types and their role in enhancing your website experience.

Cookies: Which Ones Do We Use and Why?

We only use cookies set by the website owner, which are called “first party cookies.” Of those cookies, we only use “essential cookies,” or cookies that are strictly necessary to provide you with the System. Most of the cookies that we deploy are “session” cookies, which are temporary cookies that expire once you close your browser or your session ends. We also drop “persistent” cookies in limited circumstances, which are cookies that remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date. As detailed below, we use information from cookies for purposes such as (i) identifying returning users and registrants and (ii) enabling you to move more easily around our System.

Use of Cookies by External Parties

Control Over Cookies From External Parties: Many cookies on our website are set by third parties and are not under our direct control. We recommend reviewing the privacy and cookie policies of these entities to understand their cookie usage and data collection. Additionally, you have the option to block all third-party cookies through your browser settings. After changing your cookie preferences, please refresh your browser or navigate to a different page on our site to ensure the changes take effect.

Authorizing Cookie Usage

You may choose to set your web browser to not accept cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, certain parts of the System may not function properly or as intended by us. Some of the areas of our System may contain electronic images known as web beacons (sometimes known as clear gifs) that allow the organization, and its third-party providers or affiliates, to count and track users who have visited certain portions of our System.

General Provisions

Comprehensive Data Use Information For detailed information about how your personal information is collected, utilized, stored, and disclosed by our Company, please visit the Privacy Policy section on our website. If you have any issues or requests regarding the handling of your personal information, please reach out to our Privacy Officer via email.